Future Generation Oil Services Company i Tripoli

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Al Jamahirriyah Street, Tripoli, LY Libya
Kontakter telefon: +218 92-5878258
Latitude: 32.894813, Longitude: 13.20768
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Kommentar 1

  • Future Generation Oil Services Company

    Future Generation Oil Services Company


    Was established to fulfill a much needed support by the Libyan operator and oilfield Service Companies developing and/or seeking to develop business opportunities in Libya's oil & gas industry. FGOS Libya provides engineering, consultancies, logistical, technical, and commercial services. FGOS Libya is fully registered and licensed to operate in Libya, it is driven by goal oriented policies in which performance is the primary mover, to achieve its goals, the company has recognized that customer satisfaction is the single most important aspect of any business upon which profits and long term growth depend. In association with its working partners over the world we introduced innovative quality products, techniques and technologies that constitute the core of its future growth. The intended product line is focused on solutions to the problems in "Oil Production" and is focused on meeting market demand as well as customer expectations in the form of better support services.

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